Just like the rest of us, dentists typically don't need any sophisticated instruments to detect when a patient has bad breath. However, dentists are turning to more advanced options to find other dental diseases. The Journal of …
EatingWell: 7 Stress Busters: Soothing Foods and Calming Scents
In one 2010 study, British researchers randomly assigned 340 dental patients to one of two groups. In the first, they diffused … And if it works during dental appointments, who's to say it can't work during other stressful times? …
dental comedy…by dr harish juneja and dr sameer savaliya….cameraman dr raj singh
Professional dental cleanings may reduce risk of heart attack, stroke
Professional tooth scaling was associated with fewer heart attacks and strokes in a recent study from Taiwan.
Dental Visits May Provide Health Benefits Beyond Your Teeth: Study …
Regular dental visits may do more than keep your chompers shiny. New research suggests that getting your teeth professionally cleaned and scraped or “scaled” just once may help reduce the risk for heart attack and stroke.
McGill Dentistry Class of 2011
Hey class of 2011, here is a collection of pictures taken during fourth year clinic. It was meant to be played at the roast, but there was too much video footage. I’ll miss you all!
Mitt Romney: Maybe Veterans' Health Care Should Be Privatized
You pay for your dental insurance through your premiums and you quality for $1000 or $1500 dental care, depending on how much you pay on your premium then the rest is out of pocket. How many seniors would only spend …