Dental Implant Abutment

March 15, 2011
Dental Implant Abutment A product presentation of the MIS-Implants Seven model dental implant abutments and attachments.

Mistral Dental Implant

March 15, 2011
Mistral Dental Implant A product presentation of the MIS-Implants Mistral model dental implant. This presentation includes a description of the implant abutments and attachments that connect to it.

Live Dental Implant Surgery with a Sinus Lift And Bone Grafting This is a live dental implant surgery with an open wall sinus lift and bone grafting. 2 Implants are placed during this procedure. The implant surgery is performed by Dr. Alon Shifter from Israel. Great footage and very successful procedure!

Dental Implants Restoration- Computer Assisted Dentistry An amazing video showing a restoration of dental implants using the latest 3-D computer Assisted dentistry software and technology by – Nobel Biocare Procera®.

How To Get The Right Dental Care Plan | Health News

Dental insurance plans performs similar to how health care insurance operates. For the particular monthly rate or premium, you are entitled to certain dental benefits, typically including xrays, cleanings, regular check-ups, …

Dental Implant surgery – Immediate Loading This dental implant surgery ( performed by Dr. Jadad and Dr. Gallo) includes an extraction and placement of a dental implant. The implant is immediately loaded with a temporary crown.

dental crest widener

March 14, 2011
dental crest widener The Crest Widener (invented by Dr. Zvi Laster ) is used to widen a narrow alveolar crest which has sufficient height for implantation. With this technique, bone augmentation is avoided, the dental implant is placed in the correct lateral position and sufficient attached gingiva is obtained. In addition, the MIS Crest Widener can be used to allow easy distal or mesial orthodontic movements of the molars.

Reverse Abutment Video – Dental Implant Restoration The video describes a new approach to implant-supported restorations (an MIS-Implants Ltd. Patent). Two applications are developed: a fabrication technique for semi-customized abutments and a technique to fabricate implant-supported restorations prior to installing the implant.

Dental implant surgery – Placement using bone compression and immediate loading. Dental implant surgery – Placement using bone compression and immediate loading

MIS Implants Uno presentation The MIS Implants Uno is a narrow implant also known by other manufacturers as a one piece mini implant. This video is a product presentation by a Mis implants sales rep.