Vote for Smile Stylist in as America’s Coolest Dental Practice this June. America will set the benchmark of what cool is in this very important vote. Cool means different things to different people and in our opinion in order to win, the coolest dentist, dental practice should be able to visually show through photographic and video evidence multiple examples of coolness in and out of the dental practice, the whole package. Dr. Jason and Colleen Olitsky are cool dentists. Dr. Jason is Accredited with the AACD, Dr. Colleen has published a book that is on the shelves at Barnes and Noble and on Amazon that will change the way people choose a cosmetic dentist. Their patients model smiles in fashion shows, the amenities in their office resemble what you would see in a high end day spa, the Smile Stylist beat boxed for a leading women’s fitness apparel brand, he is an accomplished dental portrait photographer and celebrity photographer. They have national PR and the name Smile Stylist is just plain cool. Make the right decision Vote Smile Stylist and keep cool America cool our children depend on this vote! Dentists are cool. The winner will be published in Dental Economics.
America’s Coolest Dental Practice – Vote Smile Stylist Watch the Coolness