Have a peek at this interesting movie : Get the REMIX on iTunes! Here’s the link: bit.ly CLICK for the Windows 7 ‘Apologize’ spoof! bit.ly Click to Tweet – tinyurl.com Mic I use – bit.ly Cam I use – bit.ly Other cam I use – bit.ly Video Editing software – bit.ly After Effects – bit.ly Audio Editing software – bit.ly Stay in your seat! Barack Obama Cursing Remix!: Watch the original first! Download the free MP3! – tobyturner.com Follow me on twitter! For business/sponsorship, go to David After Dentist is an internet phenomenon which started when David DeVore Jr.’s father posted a video on the internet of his reaction to anesthesia after he had been given oral surgery. As of 4:20 PM, June 19th, 2010, the video has been seen 61758013 times on YouTube alone. In May 2008, 7-year old David DeVore Jr. was taken to the dentist to have an extra tooth removed, due to a hereditary condition called hyperdontia. Because this was David’s first surgery and his mother could not be there, his father decided to video tape the experience to share with her and their family. After the surgery, David was feeling extra loopy from the anaesthesia he was given. While in the car, he was asking his father questions like “Is this real life?” and “Is this going to be forever?” and also telling him that he had four fingers. Seven months later, David’s father uploaded the video on Facebook. Being overwhelmed with people wanting to see the video, he decided to 2011 trustseo.com Miami Web Design Thanks …
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