Millions of people have dental amalgam silver fillings implanted in their teeth. Dental amalgam is the most commonly used material to repair cavities. Amalgams are a mixture of the toxic metals mercury, zinc, tin and copper. Amalgam fillings contain 50% mercury and only 20 to 35% silver. Mercury is highly toxic and causes many health problems! Mercury vapor escapes from amalgam fillings, is inhaled and swallowed. This causes low level mercury poisoning in the body. The amount of mercury in the brain is directly linked to the number and the size of amalgam fillings. Mercury passes through the placental barrier and even enters the mother’s breast milk! Mercury affects the body chemistry and disrupts organs. Symptoms of mercury poisoning include: Auto-immune diseases, mental disorders, migraines, cancer, insomnia, arthritis, depression, oral lesions, infertility, birth defects, stomach pains, memory loss, autism, developmental disorders, ADHD, anxiety, mood changes, asthma, allergies, etc. Dental amalgams were first introduced in 1833 but many dentists refused to implant them due to the mercury. In 1843, the American Society of Dental Surgeons declared the use of dental amalgam a malpractice(!) and forced its members to abstain from using amalgams. Proponents of amalgam continued to claim that dental amalgam was safe because it was supposedly inert in the filling. Since dental amalgam was less expensive and easier to work with than gold …
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The Dangers of Dental Amalgam (Mercury poisoning, Silver fillings)