Q. Dear Dr. Julian Caplan I have one teeth on the top which is not straight and i been offered to take it off and put the.
Dental Bridge
Are Dental Bridges bad?
March 17, 2011
I have a missing tooth on my upper left jaw in the front between my front tooth and canine tooth(not good with dental terminology), and I was instructed that i needed either a bridge or implant. I have opted to go with a bridge because …
dental bridge repair
March 16, 2011
Q. Dear Dr. Caplan, Approx. 6years ago I had a new bridge fitted. Maybe one year ago a sliver from the bottom of one of the.
When it comes to permanent methods of restoring missing teeth, most patients are usually presented with a choice between dental implants and dental bridges . Check this out for more info…
Cantilever Dental Bridge Houston
January 14, 2011
Dental bridge , cantilever bridges and implant bridges dentist in Houston.