
"Painless" Plasma Brush Is Becoming Reality In Dentistry, MU Engineers Say

University of Missouri engineers and their research collaborators at Nanova, Inc. are one step closer to a painless way to replace fillings. After favorable results in the lab, human clinical trials are underway on the “plasma brush.” In less… [ Full Story ]

Cosmetic Dentistry Revenues Stable, Growth Seen in Some Categories, says AACD Survey

Revenues generated from cosmetic dental procedures will likely remain stable, if not increase, in the coming year, according to a recent industry survey from the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry. The AACD conducted its 2011 State of the… [ Full Story ]

Flawed: Consumer Review Sites for Dentists and … – Huffington Post

As a dentist , I have to say that online ratings for the medical fields are not very helpful.

Oral bacteria enables breaking bond on blood vessels to allow invaders in

A common oral bacteria, Fusobacterium nucleatum, acts like a key to open a door in human blood vessels and leads the way for it and other bacteria like Escherichia coli to invade the body through the blood and make people sick, according to dental researchers.

James White, Detroit Man, Alleges He Faced HIV-Related Job …

Local attorneys in Detroit are preparing to sue the national, privately-owned Great Expressions Dental Centers for what they say is the worst case of alleged HIV-related job discrimination they have ever handled.

How To Cure Bad Breath

December 3, 2011
How To Cure Bad Breath

What's more, The Australian Dental Journal concluded that there is sufficient evidence that mouthwashes with alcohol increase your risk of developing oral cancer, a disease that kills roughly 8000 Americans every year. …

Fluorescence Visualization Devices in General Dentistry: Seeing the Big Picture

Dental professionals have been traditionally limited to the use of incandescent light for the visual inspection of the oral cavity. Direct visualization of reflected white light from mucosal surfaces can enable the detection of gross tissue… [ Full Story ]

Thomas P. Connelly, D.D.S.: Hypnosis and Dentistry

As I was giving a patient some Novocain the other day (which is technically Procaine, with Novocain being a trade name, but that's for another post), she asked me about hypnosis for dental pain instead. I had heard about …

Thomas P. Connelly, D.D.S.: Hypnosis and Dentistry

As I was giving a patient some Novocain the other day (which is technically Procaine, with Novocain being a trade name, but that's for another post), she asked me about hypnosis for dental pain instead. I had heard about …

HIV Discrimination In Dental Care: Williams Institute Study Measures …

Three decades into the AIDS epidemic, many HIV-positive patients still face routine discrimination when accessing dental care, a new California-based study has found.