This presentation goes through impressions of multiple anterior preparations with bonnets in posterior preparations. Orig. air date: AUG 19 74
Tag: aug
Impression of Multiple Preparations
Rubber base techniques, quadrant impressions, arch impressions and bonnet transfer impressions are demonstrated. Orig. air date: AUG 9 77
Barriers to the Handicapped – Sensitivity Training
Describes a program that increases awareness of and sensitivity to problems that disabled people must overcome especially in dental areas. Orig. air date: JAN 22 76
Waxing the Bridge
Place die spacer, die lub and wax manipulation, pontic form, buccal cusp cones, centric stop areas, lingual cusp tips, cusp and marginal ridges, axial cont., triangular ridges, supplemental ridges. Orig. air date: AUG 26 87
By Design: Selection of Auxiliary Personnel
Joseph Consani, Dr. Barbara Weir, and Dr. Raymond Falasco discuss the selection of dental auxiliary personnel with Dr. Bagramian. Orig. air date: FEB 26 80
Class II Indirect Gold Inlay – Cavity Preparation
Mandibular left second bicuspid in visidont is prepared for the class II gold inlay. Orig. air date: AUG 26 76
Occlusal Amalgams for Complete Denture
Amalgam occlusals are developed to provide a smooth, free gliding pathway in the various articulator excursions. Orig. air date: AUG 29 74