The sequence of steps in preparing a maxillary cuspid for a porcelain fused to metal restoration. Orig. air date: JAN 26 76
Tag: education
Impression of Multiple Preparations
Rubber base techniques, quadrant impressions, arch impressions and bonnet transfer impressions are demonstrated. Orig. air date: AUG 9 77
Principles of Porte Polishing
Discusses the use of the double ended Kelly porte polisher. Orig. air date: JUL 20 76
Examination Instruments
Discusses the use of the mirror, the explorer and the periodontal probe. Orig. air date: JUL 9 75
Maxillary Sectional Tray Impression
Dual tray method of control of border area in dentulous and edentulous areas in the maxillary impression tray. Orig. air date: JUL 23 74
Rhinoplasty Course Dissection
The surgical techniques are shown on a cadaver. Orig. air date: MAY 16 91
Ear Nose Throat exam Excerpt from: Ear Nose Throat exam
Complete Denture Overview
Shows the process of delivering a complete denture from taking the impression to fitting it in the patient’s mouth. Orig. air date: SEP 9 93
Mounting Casts on the Hanau H2PR Articulator
Beginning dental students are given an articulator with pre-mounted casts. This tape explains how these casts were mounted. Orig. air date: FEB 22 91
Recruiting Tape: University of Michigan
James Earl Jones narrates this tape. Orig. air date: MAR 26 90