Tag: extraction

extraction of my wisdom tooth / verstandskies

While being at my favorite dentist’s place we figured that filming the extraction of a wisdom tooth would be fun. I didn’t have any serious post-extraction problems, i am glad i got rid of the tooth!

Drugged Girl Tripping After Wisdom Tooth Removal

Hot drugged girl totally tripping after having her wisdom teeth removed *MORE GR8 VIDEOS, CHECK OUT MY CHANNEL*

San Jose Oral Surgery Dentistry, Wisdom Teeth Extraction Experts, Oral surgeon

San Jose Oral Surgery Dentists, best San jose wisdom teeth extractions dentists/ doctors specialists, San jose Oral Surgeon. Free oral surgery consultation and free extraction consultation. Visit us at www.DrJKim.com to download coupon. Call us at 408-259-2900, Jonathan H. Kim. DDS, Inc. serving San Jose, Santa Clara, Silicon Valley, Sunnyvale, Milpitas. This video shows before and after procedure for oral surgery; wisdom tooth extraction demonstration; wisdom tooth removal surgery; wisdom tooth extraction video; tooth pulling; wisdom tooth pain; wisdom teeth infection; oral surgery procedure; tooth extraction procedure. Painless wisdom tooth extraction and fast !!!!!!! per patient. Oral surgeon, expert teeth extraction dentist, best emergency dentist, top oral surgery dentists. Open 7 days a week for oral surgery and teeth extraction!

Wisdom Teeth Removal Experience

I was absolutely terrfied to get all four of my impacted wisdom teeth out. Apparently as I was falling asleep, I kept saying “Don’t start yet, I am still awake!” I was so scared that I would still be awake throughout the procedure and that I would feel everything. I can say that I was absolutely 100% knocked out. I don’t remember a thing…Especially this video! (taken by my incredibly sneaky, yet amazing Husband!)

Wisdom Tooth Extraction

March 21, 2011
Wisdom Tooth Extraction

I work at a Dental Clinic and i needed a wisdom tooth removed. So, here is the video of a soft tissue wisdom tooth removal. All it took was some numbing anesthetic and I didn’t feel a thing. Great group of co-workers and Great Doctor!!!!

Extraction of wisdom teeth

March 21, 2011
Extraction of wisdom teeth

How the operation looks

'Ellen' Girl After Wisdom Teeth Removal theBERRY

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Wisdom Teeth Extraction Done By NASA? | The Viral Trend

YouTube videos of doped up people after they get their wisdom teeth out are always a hit! As Seen On Author of the Video If you like this video y…

Impacted Wisdom Teeth Problems and Removal – Dental Health Magazine

An adult has 32 teeth . In front of the mouth there are incisive teeth and canines. On both side of the canines there are small molar teeth (premolars) and molar teeth (molars). Each side of the jaw has three molars.

Wisdom Tooth Problems and Treatment | Tooth Ache Remedies

A wisdom pointed tooth in general surfaces wherever connecting the mature of 17 headed for 21 before elder in addition to has conventional its nickname for the. … to the cheek before a inflammation all the rage the gum you obligation holiday at a dentist immediately. subsequent to a preliminary x-ray headed for make firmer with the intention of the deliver is heart caused next to a wisdom tooth , the dentist is apt headed for suggest wisdom pointed tooth removal . …