Tag: gingivitis

Laser gingivitis treatment Los Angeles Dentist LANAP

lasergumdentist.com How Your Dentist Could Save Your Life More info lasergumdentist.com Plenty of evidence now shows that the state of your teeth and gums have a serious impact on your overall health, writes DR MERVYN DRUIAN. Gum disease, for example, is linked to a raised risk of heart disease, stroke and premature birth. Here’s why you should make sure you are up-to-date with your dental appointments. HEART DISEASE It sounds unlikely, but bad teeth, bleeding gums and poor dental hygiene can end up causing heart disease. Several studies confirm a link between gum disease and atherosclerosis, a narrowing of the blood vessels that can lead to heart attack. The problem is that bleeding gums provide an entry into the blood for up to 700 different types of bacteria found in the mouth. Microbiologists at the University of Bristol have discovered that when bacteria get into the bloodstream, they stick to tiny fragments called platelets, causing them to clot. This can lead to partial blockages of blood vessels, increasing the risk of heart disease and heart attack. So it does not matter how fit, slim or healthy you are, your chances of getting heart disease are increased by having bad teeth. STROKE Brush your teeth well and floss regularly to protect your brain. Poor tooth brushing and bleeding, infected gums raises your risk of stroke in the same way as it does heart disease – by allowing bacteria into the bloodstream. A study published in the journal Stroke found that stroke …

Cosmetic Dentist San Antonio – Gives Advice on Gum Disease – ThatDentist.com

Cosmetic Dentist San Antonio, www.ThatDentist.com Dr. Edward Camacho gum disease dentist gives advice on gum disease (gingivitis). Call “ThatDentist” today at (210)493-9944 for a no-obligation consultation on gum disease [Dr. Edward Camacho] Hi my name is Dr. Edward Camacho and I’m a cosmetic dentist here in San Antonio. A lot of people ask me questions about their teeth, their smile, and how cosmetic dentistry can help them. Today I’d like to answer a question that my patients frequently ask me. [Female voice] Dr. Camacho, my gums don’t hurt or bleed and I brush every day, so how can I have gum disease? [Dr. Edward Camacho] Well the fact of the matter is that 80% of the population over the age of 20 has some involvement with gum disease — from simple gingivitis all away up to full-blown periodontitis — which is gum disease. Now the only way you can find is that you actually have to look for it. You have to take a special instrument – a probe and take measurements to see if it’s there. The thing about gum disease is — is that it is a sneaky painless problem that progresses to its very very advanced stages before it starts to give pain signals. By this time it’s gone way too far. Now I often use the example of our homes can have termites and we don’t even know that they exist until the foundation is completely blown away. Well fortunately, unfortunately rather, bacteria in our mouth will do the same thing. It will destroy the foundation until it’s too late – so we have …

Tippee Tooth Commercial! Hellooooooooo!

Is your dentist a Tidewater Dentist? Tippee spoofs the old spice commercial. www.drtoddspeaks.com Tippee has twitter: www.twitter.com/tippeethetooth www.facebook.com

Cosmetic Dentists in New York Review Teeth Whitening Options: over the counter teeth whiteners and teeth whitening by a dentist

Dr. Gregg Lituchy discusses the surge in beautiful smiles, from adults to teenagers. Dr. Marc Lowenberg describes the genetic component involved in teeth whitening and reviews the difference between over-the-counter teeth whiteners and professional teeth whitening (also known as power bleaching) performed by dentists.

New York Cosmetic Dentist Dr. Marc Lowenberg Reviews Techniques for Keeping Your Mouth Healthy

New York Cosmetic Dentist Dr. Marc Lowenberg on The View talks about how teeth health contributes to your overall health. Whoopi Goldberg talks about how her dentist, Dr. Lowenberg, helped her get healthy. Remove plaque with regular brushing and tartar control toothpaste. Dental floss removes plaque between the teeth. Tongue scrapers remove bacteria from the tongue. Antiseptic mouthwash kills bacteria in the mouth. Bleeding gums are a signal to go to the dentist to address gingivitis. You can keep your mouth healthy by removing bacteria and visiting a dentist at least two times per year.

Dental Health : Describe Root Canal Pain

Oral pain that typically requires a root canal includes lingering hot and cold sensitivity and biting sensitivity that never goes way. Learn about symptoms of pain that are often treated by root canals with tips from a dentist in this free video on dental health and oral hygiene. Expert: Dr. Mike Glasmeier Contact: www.nashvillefirstimpressions.net Bio: Dr. Mike Glasmeier is a member of the American Dental Association. Filmmaker: Dimitri LaBarge