HonestDentistry.com Angel Dental Care is a full service dental office for the whole family located in El Monte, California. Whether your dental needs are a complete exam and cleaning, a full-mouth restoration, or anything in between, we promise to provide you with exceptional dental care as we enhance the natural beauty of your smile. Below are just some of the many procedures and services we regularly provide to our patients with a gentle touch, and stunning results. Your smile is our first priority, and we’ll give you something to smile about. Our doctors’ mission is to treat all of their patients with honesty, integrity and high ethical standards. They treat every patient as if they were a family member and continue to deliver quality dentistry with the utmost care and respect for their patients on a daily basis.
Tag: gum
Angel Dental Care Patient Testimonial
HonestDentistry.com Angel Dental Care is a full service dental office for the whole family located in El Monte, California. Whether your dental needs are a complete exam and cleaning, a full-mouth restoration, or anything in between, we promise to provide you with exceptional dental care as we enhance the natural beauty of your smile. Below are just some of the many procedures and services we regularly provide to our patients with a gentle touch, and stunning results. Your smile is our first priority, and we’ll give you something to smile about. Our doctors’ mission is to treat all of their patients with honesty, integrity and high ethical standards. They treat every patient as if they were a family member and continue to deliver quality dentistry with the utmost care and respect for their patients on a daily basis.
Video Testimonial – Angel Dental Care Full Service Dentistry
HonestDentistry.com Angel Dental Care is a full service dental office for the whole family located in El Monte, California. Whether your dental needs are a complete exam and cleaning, a full-mouth restoration, or anything in between, we promise to provide you with exceptional dental care as we enhance the natural beauty of your smile. Below are just some of the many procedures and services we regularly provide to our patients with a gentle touch, and stunning results. Your smile is our first priority, and we’ll give you something to smile about. Our doctors’ mission is to treat all of their patients with honesty, integrity and high ethical standards. They treat every patient as if they were a family member and continue to deliver quality dentistry with the utmost care and respect for their patients on a daily basis.
DR. GERARD CUOMO | Cosmetic Dentistry | 3 Bam’s Case | Bonding | Boca Raton | Florida
www.gcuomodds.com My patient, Bam, presented with excessive tooth paste abrasion. This recording will show the steps taken to restore his tooth to normal form. That’s right, “tooth paste” and not “tooth brush” abrasion. Studies have shown that it is the amount of tooth paste that is directly related to the amount of tooth wear. Think of the amount of tooth paste as the size of a pea. That should get the job done without wearing away precious tooth structure. GC
www.gcuomodds.com Upper central incisors are probably the most difficult teeth to restore in dentistry. The temporary crown design is very important to the patient during the lab waiting period. Careful video communication with the laboratory technician insures the very best outcome of the final restorations. GC
Find out if you also can be a candidate for dental implants. Dr Alvarez-Carrera has over 26 years of Implant experience and has successfully completed treatments on thousands of implant patients with over a 99% success rate. Dr Alvarez is actively involved giving seminars and lecturing around the world on the topic of dental implants. More about Dental Implants Center Dental Implants Center (www.dental-implants-center.com) offers a wide variety of services, from check-ups and cleanings to bonding, cosmetic dentistry and wisdom teeth to specialized dental implant treatment and full mouth reconstruction. For more information about dental work and dental implants, you can contact the Dental Implants Center (http You can also find them at www.MexicoDentalimplantsCenter.com Call (619) 202-0233 or toll free at 1(888)287-9169, or E-mail: implants@prodigy.net.mx. You can also follow Dental Implant Center at Face Book and at YouTube
www.sanjuancapistranocosmeticdentist.com Dental insurance does not cover enough for dental care. A common complaint among virtually all patients. Why does dental insurance pay so little? Does it cover dentures, bridges, implants, general maintenance? Southern California cosmetic dentist Dr. Nick Shubin tells it like it is, why your dental insurance won’t pay and the benefits of your dental plan don’t cover your real dental needs.
www.sanjuancapistranocosmeticdentist.com Proof of a link between your dental and medical health. Dr. Nick Shubin, a highly respected southern California cosmetic dentist reveals the hidden link between what’s going on in your mouth is directly connected to how you feel overall. Gum and periodontal decease is overlooked as a cause for other major health issues like diabetes, cardio vascular decease, heart attack, strokes, infant deaths, pancreatic cancer and possibly Alzheimer’s
Dental Sitcom 3 – Periodontal Referral
How to correctly refer a patient to the periodontist
www.beverlyhillscosmeticdentist.com In this video clip from THAT Morning Show, watch as Beverly Hills cosmetic dentist, Dr. Kevin B. Sands, shares some easy and cost-effective tips to use at home when trying to whiten your teeth. Dr. Sands is a porcelain dental veneer & smile makeover specialist and has become the go-to dentist amongst Hollywood celebrities for the patient results he is able to achieve. For more detailed information about Dr. Kevin B. Sands, please visit our website or contact us directly.