Tag: heart

Insurance coverage discussed by Southern California Cosmetic Dentist

www.sanjuancapistranocosmeticdentist.com Dental insurance does not cover enough for dental care. A common complaint among virtually all patients. Why does dental insurance pay so little? Does it cover dentures, bridges, implants, general maintenance? Southern California cosmetic dentist Dr. Nick Shubin tells it like it is, why your dental insurance won’t pay and the benefits of your dental plan don’t cover your real dental needs.

Southern California cosmetic dentist reveals dental health link

www.sanjuancapistranocosmeticdentist.com Proof of a link between your dental and medical health. Dr. Nick Shubin, a highly respected southern California cosmetic dentist reveals the hidden link between what’s going on in your mouth is directly connected to how you feel overall. Gum and periodontal decease is overlooked as a cause for other major health issues like diabetes, cardio vascular decease, heart attack, strokes, infant deaths, pancreatic cancer and possibly Alzheimer’s

How cavity-causing microbes invade heart

Scientists have discovered the tool that bacteria normally found in our mouths use to invade heart tissue, causing a dangerous and sometimes lethal infection of the heart known as endocarditis. The work raises the possibility of creating a screening tool — perhaps a swab of the cheek, or a spit test — to gauge a dental patient’s vulnerability to the condition.

Deepak Chopra: Weekly Health Tip: New Reasons to Brush and Floss

If you have gum disease or cuts in your gums from dental work, oral bacteria can enter your bloodstream and cause infection in your heart or lungs. Oral bacteria may also attach to fatty buildup in your arteries, increasing the chances …

Western Provident Association releases new corporate dental plan …

The modified dental plan from the Western Provident Association now offers a full reimbursement for dental treatments. Employees who have taken out a dental .

Horizon Dental Care hosts free dental clinic | baker street news

Horizon Dental Care is hosting a free dental clinic on April 9th as part of the national Dentistry from the Heart campaign. Dr John Evanish III will host the.