Tag: impacted

How a wisdom tooth is removed

Animation to show how a wisdom tooth is removed. Thecontent is intended for general information only and does not replace the need for personal advice from a qualified health professional. For more information visit our health information site www.bupa.co.uk

Wisdom Teeth Removal

March 21, 2011
Wisdom Teeth Removal

i got all 4 of my impacted wisdom teeth removed on july 2, 2009. i had a good experience. it didn’t hurt. no major bleeding. i only took 2 hydrocodone after the surgery and of course the antibiotic for a week. my main problem was the swelling which went down in about 4 days.

third molar extraction / wisdom tooth removal by lingual split technique

lingual split technique is the easiest, fastest and least traumatic technique of third molar removal. Most of the impacted teeth can be extracted within 5 minutes.Distolingual wall of the socket is splited and the tooth is elevated lingually.

Wisdom Teeth Removal Experience

I was absolutely terrfied to get all four of my impacted wisdom teeth out. Apparently as I was falling asleep, I kept saying “Don’t start yet, I am still awake!” I was so scared that I would still be awake throughout the procedure and that I would feel everything. I can say that I was absolutely 100% knocked out. I don’t remember a thing…Especially this video! (taken by my incredibly sneaky, yet amazing Husband!)