Tag: jan

Porcelain Fused to Metal – Maxillary Cuspid Preparation

The sequence of steps in preparing a maxillary cuspid for a porcelain fused to metal restoration. Orig. air date: JAN 26 76

Impression of Multiple Preparations

Rubber base techniques, quadrant impressions, arch impressions and bonnet transfer impressions are demonstrated. Orig. air date: AUG 9 77

Barriers to the Handicapped – Sensitivity Training

Describes a program that increases awareness of and sensitivity to problems that disabled people must overcome especially in dental areas. Orig. air date: JAN 22 76

Dental Hygiene

December 14, 2009
Dental Hygiene

Orig. air date: JAN 17 90

Orthognathic Surgery

December 7, 2009
Orthognathic Surgery

Interview with Bill Maybaum a year following orthonathic surgery for overbite . Film from childhood and pre and post operative slides are included. Orig. air date: JAN 15 81

Properties of Denture Base Resins

Describes a lab experiment on the properties of denture base resins, intended to be used with a laboratory workbook. Orig. air date: JAN 8 73

Trigger Tapes

December 2, 2009
Trigger Tapes

Presents several interactive situations between students and faculty, designed to stimulate discussion on the ideas presented. Orig. air date: JAN 1 87

Trigger Tapes

December 2, 2009
Trigger Tapes

Presents several interactive situations between students and faculty, designed to stimulate discussion on the ideas presented. Orig. air date: JAN 1 87

Performing a Pantographic Survey

This presentation goes through the sequence of recording mandibular movements on a pantograph. Orig. air date: SEP 4 80

Shade Modification and Characterization of Ceramo-Metal Restorations

Shows the mechanics of color selection and shade modification of ceramo-metal restorations. Orig. air date: NOV 4 81