Tag: muscle-activity

Cosmetic Dentistry Los Angeles, Sam Muslin DDS MAGD

www.hightechdentist.com – Remarkable cosmetic dentistry by Sam Muslin DDS Master of the Academy of General Dentistry. Arguably the best cosmetic dentist in the Los Angeles area. (310) 829-6796

Los Angeles Cosmetic Dentist aka "Artist of the Smile" 90210

www.perfectwhitesmile.com Full Mouth Reconstruction Beverly Hills & Los Angeles California Full Mouth Reconstruction utilizing Neuromuscular dentistry as the art and science of using the relaxed position of the muscles of the head and neck to place the jaw into an optimal physiologic position. Twenty-five years of research and clinical experience have shown this technique to be effective in treating patients with various levels of head and neck pain. It is also used in finding the optimal jaw position before restorative dentistry and greatly increases the longevity of restorations and natural dentition. The process involves using a sophisticated computer program to record and interpret tempromandibular joint (TMJ) sounds, masticatory (chewing) muscle activity (EMGS) and the path of movement the jaw follows in function. This information allows us to find the most relaxed physiologic position for the jaw and combined with tomography (specialized jaw joint x-ray) helps determine the best bite for comfort and aesthetics. IF YOU SUFFER FROM * Headaches * Unexplained loose teeth * Worn, chipping or cracked teeth * Cracking, chipping or breaking dental restorations * Pain or soreness around the jaw joints * Pain in teeth that seems to move around * Neck, shoulder or back pain * Facial pain * Clicking or grating sounds in the jaw joints * Limited movement or locking jaw * Numbness in you fingers and arms * Congestion or stuffiness of the ears THEN WE MAY BE ABLE TO HELP YOU …