Tag: partial denture

Locating Root Canals

March 21, 2011
Locating Root Canals

Lists requirements of good access and shows position of canal orifices in the teeth and use of endodontic explorer to locate them. Orig. air date: JUL 24 73

Do I Need a Root Canal? : What Happens to Teeth After a Root Canal?

How a root canal benefits your teeth. Learn what happens after a root canal treatment in this dental health video from an experienced dentist. Expert: Michael Chen Bio: Michael Chen is presently teaching courses about implant dentistry to other dentists. They range from introductory to advance courses. Dr. Filmmaker: Bing Hu

PUS from root canal

March 21, 2011
PUS from root canal

The pus ran from root canal . It was not stopped for sevral minutes.

Why You Want to Avoid Root Canals

www.mercola.com Natural health physician and Mercola.com founder Dr. Joseph Mercola reviews the reasons why root canals can damage your health and what practical options are available.