Tag: recent-study

Professional dental cleanings may reduce risk of heart attack, stroke

Professional tooth scaling was associated with fewer heart attacks and strokes in a recent study from Taiwan.

Can oral care for babies prevent future cavities?

New parents have one more reason to pay attention to the oral health of their toothless babies. A recent study confirms the presence of bacteria associated with early childhood caries (ECC) in infant saliva.

New Zealanders Have Worse Dental Health Than Australians, Study …

According to a recent study, adults in New Zealand are more exposed to gum disease and tooth decay than Australians. The research has been conducted by a dentist Dr. Alex McIntosh, who concluded that the income plays a major role for …

European Cross Border Health and Dental Tourism Aided by New …

The European Cross-Border health system pattern is one that allows citizens to get health and dental treatment in other EU countries as well.

Study Shows Tooth Loss and Breast Cancer May Be Interconnected …

A recent study in the field of medicine points out that conditions like gum disease and tooth loss might be directly linked to the incidence of breast cancer.