Tag: reptile-called

What can a New Zealand reptile tell us about false teeth?

Using a moving 3-D computer model based on the skull and teeth of a New Zealand reptile called tuatara, researchers have revealed how damage to dental implants and jaw joints may be prevented by sophisticated interplay between our jaws, muscles and brain.

‘Jailbreak’ bacteria can trigger heart disease

Plaque-causing bacteria can jailbreak from the mouth into the bloodstream and increase your risk of heart attack, according to new research.

Fluoride in water prevents adult tooth loss, study suggests

Children drinking water with added fluoride helps dental health in adulthood decades later, a new study finds.

New ‘dentist’ test to detect oral cancer will save lives

A new test for oral cancer, which a dentist could perform by simply using a brush to collect cells from a patient’s mouth, is set to be developed by researchers.

Chew on this: Six dental myths debunked

Your teeth need more than daily brushing and flossing. Researchers debunk six dental myths and discuss the role nutrition plays in oral health.