Tag: rest

Dental Phobia: Women In 40s Most Likely To Be Afraid Of The …

Karve explained that people who have a great fear of the dentist wait 17 days, on average, to make an appointment to see the dentist when they are feeling severe pain. Comparatively, the rest of the population who is not as …

Dental Health Risks: 5 Unhealthy, Extreme Dental Trends To Avoid

The basics of dental health aren't all that complicated: Brush and floss daily, limit cavity-causing sugary snacks, don't smoke and schedule regular visits to your dentist . For some people, though, things get a little trickier.

Dr. Harold Katz: New Science In the World of Bad Breath

Just like the rest of us, dentists typically don't need any sophisticated instruments to detect when a patient has bad breath. However, dentists are turning to more advanced options to find other dental diseases. The Journal of …

Mitt Romney: Maybe Veterans' Health Care Should Be Privatized

You pay for your dental insurance through your premiums and you quality for $1000 or $1500 dental care, depending on how much you pay on your premium then the rest is out of pocket. How many seniors would only spend …

Mitt Romney: Maybe Veterans' Health Care Should Be Privatized

You pay for your dental insurance through your premiums and you quality for $1000 or $1500 dental care, depending on how much you pay on your premium then the rest is out of pocket. How many seniors would only spend …

New Dental Assistant Resources Online | Dental Assistant Training …

Unless you are planning on sticking with one dental office for the rest of your dental assistant career, it’s vital to keep up with advancements, continuing education opportunities, dental news , new products and equipment, …

Brrrrr… Are Your Teeth Chattering Today?

I’m not sure about the rest of you, but where I live it’s a whopping -17 degrees farenheit today! One of the first things that happens to me in the cold is shivering, followed by the chattering of my pearly whites. Have you ever wondered why your teeth chatter when you’re cold? Have a look at this video to find out why!