Tag: stop teeth grinding

Grinding Teeth ~ Tooth Clenching ~ Broken Teeth ~ GrindGuardN

www.grindguardn.com 82 Million Americans are Destroying Their Teeth by Clenching and Grinding. A recent Chicago Dental Society survey shows that almost 75 per cent of the 250 dentists surveyed say they have noticed marked increase in clenching or grinding which they believe is caused by stress from the economic downturn. Dr. Joe Pelerin of Lake Orion, Michigan who has practiced family dentistry for three decades, says teeth grinding and clenching not only damages teeth and fillings and leads to receding gums and root canals, but also can be the cause of migraine headaches and pain in the shoulders, neck, back and ears. Because most people are unaware of all the ailments that can be caused by tooth grinding and clenching, far too many individuals suffer needlessly for years from chronic pain when a simple and inexpensive solution is available. That’s why Pelerin invented GrindGuardN www.GrindGuardN.com, a newly patented, FDA-approved mouth guard that is far more effective than other solutions and costs only $50. For more information visit: www.grindguardn.com

Bruxism and How We Cured

March 21, 2011
Bruxism and How We Cured

www.ReliableGuide.org — Bruxism and How We Cured Have You this Symthons • Painful teeth in the morning • You jaw hurts in the morning • You feel pain around the upper jaw below the temples while eating. • Your teeth a flat and worn away • You have unexplained chips on your teeth • Your teeth are sensitive to cold and citrus. • You have constant headaches • You constantly wake up during the night You Have Suffer the Bruxism How to cure bruxism? Step 1 Compress the water out and cover your face for 20 minutes or until the towel cools down. Applying heat will enhance the blood circulation around your face. Step 2 Exercise your face by munching on crunchy vegetables every night. Chewing is an effective facial exercise to reduce tooth-grinding by relaxing the jaw and mouth. Step 3 The position in which you sleep can actually increase your chances of bruxism. The best sleep position is to lie flat on your back, always try to avoid sleeping on your sides or stomach. This position can accelerate blood circulation in the neck and head. To learn more about bruxism and , visit: www.ReliableGuide.org