Tag: surface

Healing times for dental implants could be cut

The technology used to replace lost teeth with titanium dental implants could be improved. By studying the surface structure of dental implants not only at micro level but also at nano level, researchers have come up with a method that could shorten the healing time for patients.

Dental News | Oral health | Stem cell study has implications for …

Scientists from King’s College London have uncovered the first genetic evidence that shows cells found on the surface of blood vessels can act as stem cells to assist in both organ growth and tissue repair.

How To Brush Your Teeth Properly

It is important that you know how to brush your teeth properly to prevent conditions such as gingivitis and tooth decay. Incorrect brushing technique can also lead to tooth abrasion, a condition in which the surface of the tooth is worn away. The number one cause of tooth abrasion is from a toothbrush. The delicate gum tissue is also at risk for damage from the toothbrush bristles, causing tooth sensitivity from exposed root surfaces. Follow these instructions, and learn how to brush your teeth properly.