Bruxism Bruxism is characterized by the grinding of the teeth and is typically includes the clenching of the jaw. The major cause of Bruxism is anxiety and.
Tag: teeth
Laser gingivitis treatment Los Angeles Dentist LANAP How Your Dentist Could Save Your Life More info Plenty of evidence now shows that the state of your teeth and gums have a serious impact on your overall health, writes DR MERVYN DRUIAN. Gum disease, for example, is linked to a raised risk of heart disease, stroke and premature birth. Here’s why you should make sure you are up-to-date with your dental appointments. HEART DISEASE It sounds unlikely, but bad teeth, bleeding gums and poor dental hygiene can end up causing heart disease. Several studies confirm a link between gum disease and atherosclerosis, a narrowing of the blood vessels that can lead to heart attack. The problem is that bleeding gums provide an entry into the blood for up to 700 different types of bacteria found in the mouth. Microbiologists at the University of Bristol have discovered that when bacteria get into the bloodstream, they stick to tiny fragments called platelets, causing them to clot. This can lead to partial blockages of blood vessels, increasing the risk of heart disease and heart attack. So it does not matter how fit, slim or healthy you are, your chances of getting heart disease are increased by having bad teeth. STROKE Brush your teeth well and floss regularly to protect your brain. Poor tooth brushing and bleeding, infected gums raises your risk of stroke in the same way as it does heart disease – by allowing bacteria into the bloodstream. A study published in the journal Stroke found that stroke …
Visit To The Dentist
A very funny comedy about a man who desperately needs to see his dentist! This is not your typical visit to the Dentist film. Just when you thought you have seen it all, not so until you watch this classic!
Top Rated Braces/Cosmetic Dentist in San Jose CA
Top Rated Braces/Cosmetic Dentist in San Jose CA= Better Than Orthodontic Deal of Day | Groupon San Jose= Much Better Than Orthodontic Deal of Day | Livingsocial San Jose Ca=Jonathan H. Kim, DDS, Inc — Top Best *8* San Jose Dentists Specialists Centers
Top Rated Braces/Cosmetic Dentist in San Jose CA
Top Rated Braces/Cosmetic Dentist in San Jose CA= Better Than Orthodontic Deal of Day | Groupon San Jose= Much Better Than Orthodontic Deal of Day | Livingsocial San Jose Ca=Jonathan H. Kim, DDS, Inc — Top Best *8* San Jose Dentists Specialists Centers
Straight Teeth with Veneers, Braces, and Invisalign Dr. Ganatra a dentist in Costa Mesa and Rancho Santa Margarita talks to you about the pros and cons of straightening your teeth with Invisalign, Veneers, and Braces. For more information please call us at 949 766 0006. My patient, Mike, also presented with excessive tooth paste abrasion. This recording will show the steps taken to restore his tooth to normal form. That’s right, “tooth paste” and not “tooth brush” abrasion. Studies have shown that it is the amount of tooth paste that is directly related to the amount of tooth wear. Think of the amount of tooth paste as the size of a pea. That should get the job done without wearing away precious tooth structure. GC
26 Incognito Lingual Braces – Elastics!
First video about getting elastics to eliminate my overbite.