Tag: the-mouth

Healthy mouth bacteria provide ideal conditions for gum disease

Gum disease can only develop with the help of normal bacteria living in the mouth, new research has revealed.

Establishing And Maintaining Dental Health | breaking News …

The role of dental health cannot be overlooked when discussing overall physical well-being. Along with diseases of the mouth, dental health has been linked to other systemic diseases. At its most ba.

'Ellen' Girl After Wisdom Teeth Removal theBERRY

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Wisdom Teeth Extraction Done By NASA? | The Viral Trend

YouTube videos of doped up people after they get their wisdom teeth out are always a hit! As Seen On Author of the Video If you like this video y…

Impacted Wisdom Teeth Problems and Removal – Dental Health Magazine

An adult has 32 teeth . In front of the mouth there are incisive teeth and canines. On both side of the canines there are small molar teeth (premolars) and molar teeth (molars). Each side of the jaw has three molars.

Caring For Dental Implants

March 21, 2011
Caring For Dental Implants

When a pro basketball player is hit in the mouth it is possible for his teeth to spill onto the court and this is one of the major concerns during the game. Years of neglect had left this Indiana state.

Ashley Koff: Open Wide(r): What Our Mouths Say About Our Health

We begin digestion in the mouth, but also we establish immune health and overall health. I wanted to get a sense of optimal dental health.