You should brush your teeth after every meal, and floss at least once a day. Another good thing to use it a good, alcohol free mouthwash. While the alcohol kills bacteria, it can also dry your mouth out. Dry mouth leads to tooth decay, so it’s just safer to avoid using the alcohol mouthwashes all together and not have to worry about that. Make sure you replace your toothbrush every three or four months, because a worn toothbrush doesn’t do as well at cleaning your teeth. Angel Dental Care 3551 Peck Road Suite 101 El Monte, CA 91731 Phone: (626) 444-2002
Tag: the-toothbrush
Angels Touch Dental Clinic in San Jose del Cabo, Baja California Sur, Mexico has been in business for over twenty five years and offers remodeled facilities, the latest in dental equipment and materials and the most important: quality dental care and great service at reasonable prices At AngelĀ“s Touch Dental Clinic we specialize in both cosmetic and restorative dentistry. We are proud of our lab work, we work with a German trained dental tech who makes perfect crowns with no trace of metal. We use Ivoclar Vivadent and Promovago products, which are brands of excellent quality and are used by American and Canadian dentists as well.
How To Brush Your Teeth Properly
It is important that you know how to brush your teeth properly to prevent conditions such as gingivitis and tooth decay. Incorrect brushing technique can also lead to tooth abrasion, a condition in which the surface of the tooth is worn away. The number one cause of tooth abrasion is from a toothbrush. The delicate gum tissue is also at risk for damage from the toothbrush bristles, causing tooth sensitivity from exposed root surfaces. Follow these instructions, and learn how to brush your teeth properly.