Tag: tooth-structure

What is a Dental Post? by Kamran Sahabi Dentist North Hollywood, CA

dentistnorthhollywoodca.com In this video Dr. Kamran Sahabi dentist in North Hollywood, CA shares his knowledge of the dental post. A dental post is used to give the tooth strength and structure where there has been loss of tooth structure due or a prior root canal. Prior to placing a dental crown, or other dental restorations over a tooth that has been replaced or restored, to ensure longevity and functionality, the use of a dental post is recommended by Dr. Kamran Sahabi.

White Teeth | DIY Teeth Whitening – Best Ways To Whiten Teeth …

You can prepare your teeth by brushing them with toothpaste for sensitive teeth such as Sensodyne for a couple of weeks before you start the treatment. It is also best to get your dentist’s advice if you have sensitive teeth and gums. …

Causes of Sensitive Teeth | Intelligent Dental

Erosion from dietary acids is thought to work in combination with abrasion from tooth brushing and toothpaste , leading to more loss of tooth structure than would be possible with either effect alone. That is why brushing with toothpaste …