www.dental-implants-guide.com A Dental Continuing Education course video of dental implants showing how to take a close tray impression at abutment level.
Tag: video
www.dental-implants-guide.com This is a live dental implant surgery with an open wall sinus lift and bone grafting. 2 Implants are placed during this procedure. The implant surgery is performed by Dr. Alon Shifter from Israel. Great footage and very successful procedure!
Dental Implants Restoration- Computer Assisted Dentistry
www.dental-implants-guide.com An amazing video showing a restoration of dental implants using the latest 3-D computer Assisted dentistry software and technology by – Nobel Biocare Procera®.
www.dental-implants-guide.com Dental implant surgery – Placement using bone compression and immediate loading
MIS Implants Uno presentation
www.dental-implants-guide.com The MIS Implants Uno is a narrow implant also known by other manufacturers as a one piece mini implant. This video is a product presentation by a Mis implants sales rep.
Dental Implants Procedure – Simplified
www.dental-implants-guide.com – An animated video showing a dental implants procedure. The video describes the method used in the past (crown and bridge) and the the now-days solutions of dental implants that have become standard of dental care. The video was produced by Mis-Implants and brough to you by Dental Implants Guide Website.
Incisor dental implant
A hand-on procedure practiced at the dental implant course at the training center of DITC in NJ.an immediate placement of an implant in the incisor site.
Molar implant
A video showing the hand-on procedure preformed at the dental implant course at the training center of DITC in NJ. An immediate placement of an implant in the molar site.
Premolar dental implant
A video showing a hand-on procedure practiced at the dental implant course at the training center of DITC in NJ.an immediate placement of an implant in the premolar site.
BondBone procedure
BondBone procedure video showing the recommended procedure to be used when performing bone augmentation.