Tag: weakening-tooth

Dental Gold : Advantages of Gold Dental Fillings

There are several advantages to gold dental fillings, including the fact that they are very strong, that they adapt and fit well, and that they last a long time. Learn how gold dental fillings can stand up to strong forces with information from a dentist in this free video on dental gold.

Dental Fillings

March 21, 2011
Dental Fillings

Alex Hecht DDS Dental School – NYU SIDental.com

Heavy Metal Toxicity and dental fillings removal

Heavy Metal Toxicity can be caused by mercury fillings. This video prepares your dental appointment with a holistic dentist or a general dentistry clinic. Fumes of heavy metal while being removed can make you more sick than ever before. Be prepared.

Dental Fillings | Tooth Cavity | Eagle Rock | Dr. Sahabi

Dentist Dr. Sahabi tells how tooth bacteria causes, root canals, teeth to break, weakening tooth, and tooth cavities Call 1-800-734-7454 or visit www.CaDentalGroup.com for more info