Tag: life

MADtv – Lorraine Goes To The Dentist

Lorraine goes to the dentist in another classic skit from MADtv

Laser gingivitis treatment Los Angeles Dentist LANAP

lasergumdentist.com How Your Dentist Could Save Your Life More info lasergumdentist.com Plenty of evidence now shows that the state of your teeth and gums have a serious impact on your overall health, writes DR MERVYN DRUIAN. Gum disease, for example, is linked to a raised risk of heart disease, stroke and premature birth. Here’s why you should make sure you are up-to-date with your dental appointments. HEART DISEASE It sounds unlikely, but bad teeth, bleeding gums and poor dental hygiene can end up causing heart disease. Several studies confirm a link between gum disease and atherosclerosis, a narrowing of the blood vessels that can lead to heart attack. The problem is that bleeding gums provide an entry into the blood for up to 700 different types of bacteria found in the mouth. Microbiologists at the University of Bristol have discovered that when bacteria get into the bloodstream, they stick to tiny fragments called platelets, causing them to clot. This can lead to partial blockages of blood vessels, increasing the risk of heart disease and heart attack. So it does not matter how fit, slim or healthy you are, your chances of getting heart disease are increased by having bad teeth. STROKE Brush your teeth well and floss regularly to protect your brain. Poor tooth brushing and bleeding, infected gums raises your risk of stroke in the same way as it does heart disease – by allowing bacteria into the bloodstream. A study published in the journal Stroke found that stroke …

What is a Cold Sore? By Kamran Sahabi Dentist North Hollywood, CA

dentistnorthhollywoodca.com In this video Dr. Kamran Sahabi dentist in North Hollywood, CA discusses cold sores. In this video Dr. Kamran Sahabi dentist in Glendale, CA discusses cold sores. A cold sore is a common lesion, with symptoms of fever, head and body aches and fatigue, caused by the extremely contagious Herpes simplex virus. There are four stages to the life cycle of a cold sore. With stage 1, tingling or painful itching. The appearance of “bubbling” announces the onset of stage 2, followed by stage 3 scabbing, finally stage 4 healing, approximately one week after stage 3. Cold sores are triggered by stress, sunlight, fatigue and hormonal changes, cold or flu. There is no cure for cold sores , only m,ethods to control them withj numbing agents, washing with antiseptic or applying warm or cold compresses for comfort. To avoid infecting others, it is advised to avoid intimate contact, or sharing toothbrushes or towels. Persistent cold sores should be seen by a medical practitioner to remedy.For more videos visit http Dr. Kamran Sahabi also serves the following cities: Glendale CA, Montrose CA, Verdugo City CA, La Canada Flintdridge CA, La Cresenta CA, and Burbank CA

Liz Taylor Paid For a Junkie's Dental Work! – New York News – La …

This is a true story from beloved doorperson and scenester Dee Finley, who remembers the way Liz changed her life….

clenching teeth cause pain at top of head?

If you have bruxism , teeth grinding , teeth clenching at night, or TMJ, you have to STOP it as soon as possible before it gets worse and ruins your life. Read the comprehensive guide how to stop bruxism completely: TMJ NO MORE. …

Is there a natural treatment for teeth jaw clenching?

If you have bruxism , teeth grinding , teeth clenching at night, or TMJ, you have to STOP it as soon as possible before it gets worse and ruins your life. Read the comprehensive guide how to stop bruxism completely: TMJ NO MORE. …

does anyone have a problem w- clenching their teeth when they sleep?

If you have bruxism , teeth grinding , teeth clenching at night, or TMJ, you have to STOP it as soon as possible before it gets worse and ruins your life. Read the comprehensive guide how to stop bruxism completely: TMJ NO MORE. …

Teen Dead From Root Canal: Christopher Schutzius Dies After …

A routine dental procedure took the life of a teenager in Chicago’s south suburbs Wednesday, as his shocked and outraged family tries to understand their loss. Christopher Schutzius, age 17, lost a filling in January while eating a …