I am the first person to admit that I am addicted to celebrity news and I would pick up a People’s magazine much faster than a Forbes. Having said that, I am in no way interested in owning any of their dental work . But evidently, there are many dentists who are. … Read Full Post
Tag: news
Genetic variation that raises risk of serious complication linked to osteoporosis drugs identified
Researchers have identified a genetic variation that raises the risk of developing serious necrotic jaw bone lesions in patients who take bisphosphonates, a common class of osteoclastic inhibitors.
AllHealthCanada.com Lunches with $20,000 Healthcare Makeover Contest
AllHealthCanada.com Lunches with $20,000 Healthcare Makeover Contest
New research, using oral cancer cells in a three-dimensional model of lab-made tissue, demonstrates that previous models used to examine cancer may not be complex enough to accurately mimic the true cancer environment.
Dried licorice root fights the bacteria that cause tooth decay and gum disease, study finds
Scientists are reporting identification of two substances in licorice — used extensively in Chinese traditional medicine — that kill the major bacteria responsible for tooth decay and gum disease, the leading causes of tooth loss in children and adults. In a new study, they say that these substances could have a role in treating and preventing tooth decay and gum disease.
How bacteria fight fluoride in toothpaste and in nature
Researchers have uncovered the molecular tricks used by bacteria to fight the effects of fluoride, which is commonly used in toothpaste and mouthwash to combat tooth decay.
University of Missouri engineers and their research collaborators at Nanova, Inc. are one step closer to a painless way to replace fillings. After favorable results in the lab, human clinical trials are underway on the “plasma brush.” In less… [ Full Story ]
Cosmetic Dentistry Revenues Stable, Growth Seen in Some Categories, says AACD Survey
Revenues generated from cosmetic dental procedures will likely remain stable, if not increase, in the coming year, according to a recent industry survey from the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry. The AACD conducted its 2011 State of the… [ Full Story ]
Dental professionals have been traditionally limited to the use of incandescent light for the visual inspection of the oral cavity. Direct visualization of reflected white light from mucosal surfaces can enable the detection of gross tissue… [ Full Story ]