Tag: news

Effects of pregnancy on oral health

Even though most people are aware that good oral health is essential for the overall health of both mother and child, misunderstandings about the safety of dental care during pregnancy may cause pregnant women to avoid seeing their dentist. Dentists can, however, create a treatment plan that is safe, effective and essential for combating the adverse effects of oral disease during pregnancy.

For your teeth, Thanksgiving dinner is a real food fight

If you’re lucky, it will all be kisses and hugs around the Thanksgiving dinner table, with friends and family gathered about, and puppies at your feet waiting for table scraps. But peace won’t reign within the confines of the oral cavity; your meal will enable Streptococcus mutans to launch one of its biggest assaults of the year on your tooth enamel. But dinner also offers some leads on new ways to stop cavities.

Halloween candy: Frequency, not amount, raises cavity risk

Halloween can present a very scary time of year for any parent concerned about their child’s oral health, since your kids will probably come home with that big haul of candy from trick or treating. But should you let them immediately gorge themselves on the candy and get it out of their system? One pediatric dentist thinks that might not be such a bad idea.

Sex hormones may explain higher risk of gum disease in men

Sex hormones may be the biological reason why men are at greater risk than women for destructive periodontitis, an infection of the gums, according to researchers.

Taking a closer look at plaque

Scientists are using the technique of Raman spectroscopy to study two common dental plaque bacteria, Streptococcus sanguis and mutans. The relative balance of the two may be an indicator of a patient’s oral health and risk for tooth decay — Streptococcus sanguis is associated with “healthy” plaque, while mutans is associated with tooth decay.

Osteoporosis drug builds bone in patients with gum disease

A drug marketed to grow bone in osteoporosis patients also works to heal bone wounds in gum disease patients, a new study suggests.

Client Win: Dental Care News | Web Design & SEO Manchester | PSM …

PSM digital are proud to have the opportunity of working with a market-leader in dental implants – Implantium. The project will be to create a new news content website – providing informative news and articles for both dentists and …

Body’s bacteria affect atherosclerosis

New findings suggesting that bacteria in the mouth and/or intestine can affect the the outcome pathogenesis of atherosclerosis and lead to new treatment strategies, reveals research from Sweden.

Technique to reattach teeth using stem cells developed

A new approach to anchor teeth back in the jaw using stem cells has been developed and successfully tested in the laboratory for the first time.

Gum disease found to be significant public health concern

The prevalence of periodontal disease in the United States may be significantly higher than originally estimated. New research suggests that the prevalence of periodontal disease may have been underestimated by as much as 50 percent. The implication is that more American adults may suffer from moderate to severe gum disease than previously thought.