Tag: oral

Important Guidelines for Oral Health of Pregnant Women

Pregnant women can improve their oral health if they look for information concerning oral health, regularly brush and floss to get rid of bacterial plaque, include fluoride toothpaste and fluoride rinse into your routine, consume a well-balanced diet, tooth decay should be treated, don’t share food or utensils with anyone, and xylitol gum should be chewed to decrease the rate of tooth decay.

[Up to date]Management of radiation exposure in children following …

Frequent mouth rinsing and tooth brushing with toothpaste are encouraged if radioactive material has entered the oral cavity; gargling with a 3 percent hydrogen peroxide solution also may be helpful. Gastric lavage may be indicated if …

Dental Implant Surgery : Dental Bridge Risks

A dental bridge can harm natural teeth and cause bone loss. Learn the other common risks of a dental bridge in this free oral health video from a dentist. Expert: Michael Chen Bio: Michael Chen is presently teaching courses about implant dentistry to other dentists. They range from introductory to advance courses. Dr. Filmmaker: Bing Hu

Dental implant procedure training video

www.dental-implants-guide.com A training video showing how to insert a dental implant directly without using a fixture mount. This Technique is posible using aa Mis-implants direct mounting tool and a dental implant motor.

Dental implant course video part 1

www.dental-implants-guide.com A dental implant training video showing how to insert a dental implant directly without using a fixture mount. This Technique is possible using a Mis-implants direct mounting system. This is part one- preparing the site by using the different drills.

Dental Continuing Education course – Dental implants video

www.dental-implants-guide.com A Dental Continuing Education course video of dental implants showing how to take a close tray impression at abutment level.

Dental Continuing Education course – Dental implants video

www.dental-implants-guide.com A Dental Continuing Education course video of dental implants showing how to take a close tray impression at abutment level.

Gum Disease and Missing Teeth Could Raise Women’s Risk for Breast Cancer

The British Dental Health Foundation released a rather shocking report this month that may cause many women to step up their oral hygiene routine. The report, released on February 11, 2011, states that women with gum disease and or missing teeth may be up to 11 times more likely to develop breast cancer. … Read Full Post

Porphyromonas gingivalis accelerates inflammatory atherosclerosis in a mouse model

Atherosclerosis is the leading cause of death in the developed world. While a number of risk factors for atherosclerosis have been defined, scientists continue to study other possible risk factors for this disease. Recent epidemiological and experimental studies link infectious agents with the development of inflammatory atherosclerosis. A hallmark of chronic infection with the oral pathogen Porphyromonas gingivalis is the induction of a chronic inflammatory response.

Does fluoride really fight cavities by ‘the skin of the teeth?’

In a study that the authors describe as lending credence to the idiom, “by the skin of your teeth,” scientists are reporting that the protective shield fluoride forms on teeth is up to 100 times thinner than previously believed. It raises questions about how this renowned cavity-fighter really works and could lead to better ways of protecting teeth from decay, the scientists suggest.