Tag: tooth

Keep smiling: Collagen matrix promotes gum healing around exposed roots

Receding gums often result in tooth sensitivity and can lead to decay of the root and persistent inflammation of the gum. New research demonstrates that a novel method using bovine collagen is able to enhance gum healing. This resulted in thicker margins around the tooth and, in over half the cases, complete coverage of exposed roots.

Dental pulp stem cells transformed by ‘bad breath’ chemical

Japanese scientists have found that the odorous compound responsible for halitosis – otherwise known as bad breath – is ideal for harvesting stem cells taken from human dental pulp.

Tams trip to the dentist

January 9, 2012
Tams trip to the dentist

Tam had to visit the dentist this morning to have a wisdom tooth pulled. I thought it would be funny to film tam when she got home as half of her face was still numb from the Novocain. Hope you enjoy. Stop by Tams channel and give her some love.. www.youtube.com

DR. GERARD CUOMO | Cosmetic Dentistry | 1 Bam’s Case | Bonding | Boca Raton | Florida

www.gcuomodds.com My patient, Bam, presented with excessive tooth paste abrasion. This recording will show the steps taken to restore his tooth to normal form. That’s right, “tooth paste” and not “tooth brush” abrasion. Studies have shown that it is the amount of tooth paste that is directly related to the amount of tooth wear. Think of the amount of tooth paste as the size of a pea. That should get the job done without wearing away precious tooth structure. GC

DR. GERARD CUOMO | Cosmetic Dentistry | 1 Mike’s Case | Bonding | Boca Raton | Florida

www.gcuomodds.com My patient, Mike, also presented with excessive tooth paste abrasion. He was interested in watching the procedure in real time. The Vuzix video eyewear gave him this option and he simply loved it. Mike was able to see his tooth problem close up, as well as see the intricate process of restoring it from start to finish. GC

DR. GERARD CUOMO Cosmetic Dentistry 2 Mike’s Case Bonding Boca Raton Florida

www.gcuomodds.com My patient, Mike, also presented with excessive tooth paste abrasion. This recording will show the steps taken to restore his tooth to normal form. That’s right, “tooth paste” and not “tooth brush” abrasion. Studies have shown that it is the amount of tooth paste that is directly related to the amount of tooth wear. Think of the amount of tooth paste as the size of a pea. That should get the job done without wearing away precious tooth structure. GC

DR. GERARD CUOMO-Cosmetic Dentist-Porcelain Laminate Veneers-Lumineers-3/4 Boca Raton, Florida

www.gcuomodds.com Porcelain laminate veneers enhanced my patient’s smile. She now feels more confident and is very happy with the result. The series of four videos will take you through a step by step process of converting a severely discolored, crooked, and uneven smile to a more natural and attractive smile. GC

DR. GERARD CUOMO – New Patient Experience – Cosmetic Dentist – Boca Raton, Florida

www.gcuomodds.com The New Patient Experience includes a comprehensive microscope exam, digital x-rays, microscope photograghs TMJ analysis, microscopic oral cancer screening, periodontal charting, cleaning, and consultation. I will present to you my findings and make recommendations that include esthetics, function, structure, and biology. New patients are always welcome. I will also be happy to give you a second opinion. Feel free to contact me personally at 561-391-6290. This video represents a microscope examination filmed in real time. GC