Dental implant procedure is a complex, multistage process, requiring the responsible attitude of not only the doctor performing the surgery, but also the patient.

In order to reduce the risk of complications and rejection of dental implant to a minimum, and maximize its life, it is necessary to comply with a dentist’s prescription strictly, including those relating to the features of hygienic oral care at various periods of time after dental implant procedure.

It is necessary to comply as carefully as possible with oral hygiene still in the preparatory phase of dental implant procedure.

One of the conditions necessary for the most successful dental implant procedure is the maximum achievable sterile surgical field during the installation procedure of dental implant.

You must have healthy gums, and hence remove microbial plaque and dental tartar.

Before dental implant procedure, the dentist will teach you the basic skills of proper hygiene and oral care, as well as for temporary and permanent dental implants. It is very important to avoid multiplication of microorganisms for long life of dental implants, and therefore, along with mechanical methods (cleaning tooth surfaces from supragingival and subgingival plaque and calculus, removal of sections of plaque on natural teeth or dental implants) antimicrobial drug therapy is used and even surgical intervention in some cases.

In the early postoperative period of dental implant procedure it is very important to follow the recommendations of treating physician, take all prescribed medications (antibiotics, anesthetics), keep diet. Dieting in this case involves taking soft, liquid or pureed food, which is minimally traumatic for the mucosa, rich in nutrients, vitamins and micro elements.

During this period the mucosa is highly vulnerable, and therefore hygienic care of temporary dental implant should be carried out using a toothbrush with soft bristles. Brush your teeth cautiously, minimally traumatizing the seams, 2-3 times a day, using an antiseptic solution.

For people who have dental implants, good hygienic oral care is as important as for a person with healthy natural teeth. Protruding parts of the implant (abutment) and dental implants need to be thoroughly cleaned daily, not only in the early period after dental implant procedure, but during the lifetime of dental implants, because if you allow to accumulate and multiply bacteria, it will lead not only to reduced dental implant life, but also damage the health of neighboring teeth.

The most thorough dental care after dental implant procedure is especially important in the morning and evening, because at night the secretion (release from the glands) of saliva is reduced, so it has less antibacterial activity than during the day. The diet should be followed during the entire dental implant treatment period and within two weeks after the installation of a permanent dental implants.

Implant abutment and the surface of the implant adjacent to the gum are the areas needing most attention when cleaning. Cleaning should be carried out in front of a large mirror and good lighting.

You will need all kinds of sanitary accessories for cleaning dental implants – brush, floss, super floss. When cleaning the sides of the protruding parts of the implant and the lower surface one should pass dental floss or super floss into the space between the abutments and around them and remove plaque from side to side from the sides and back of the dental implant abutment . You can apply toothpaste to your dental floss – it allows you to gently polish the surface of implant abutment.

The bottom dental implant surface also requires thorough cleaning. Cleaning of the bottom surface of the dental implant is also carried out with floss with toothpaste. In this case, the reciprocating movements must be sent back and forth. For these purposes, you can also use the super floss or interdental proxy brush. In this case, toothpaste also has a protective and soothing effect and helps to clean the teeth more effectively.

Chewing, vestibular and lingual surfaces of the dental implant do not require any special skills. They are usually cleaned with a soft toothbrush in the same way as natural teeth, using toothpaste.
After cleaning dental implants thoroughly rinse your mouth with water. Rinsing will help remove bacteria and bits of food that were removed from the surface of the dentition in the process of cleaning, but still remained in the oral cavity.

Proper and thorough daily hygienic care of the oral cavity after dental implant procedure will help prevent inflammation in surrounding tissues of the implant and thus decrease of bone tissue around, and avoid gum disease that will contribute to a more long-term operation of your dental implants.

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